Total Weight Loss

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Mini Update

There isn't much to say but I want to stay in the habit of blogging a couple of times a week, especially if I have to take another break after surgery.

My weight is up to 208.4, up 1.2 from my last report.  It doesn't make me happy but it isn't working on me like previous jumps.  For one, I know what is going on.  65MD have eaten out a lot lately and that, for me, spells gain.  We have celebrated my birthday, his birthday and today is our anniversary.  We will eat out again.

I'm trying to be smart with my food choices because I can't work out now.  Sadly, even cooking is getting harder.  I just can't stand up that long.  As much as I'd like to be under 200 lb before surgery, I don't see that being realistic any more.

The only exercise I get is shifting around when my hip hurts and my food choices are getting more and more limited to what I can grab and eat, like fruit.  I cook a good, healthy meal about once a week and we reheat the leftovers until they are gone. 65MD pitches in as much as he can (or I let him!) but he doesn't think about how many carbs, calories, fat grams etc are in a meal.

I'm OK with it all somehow though.  This is the way life has to be right now.  I'm doing my best, which is all I can do even under optimal circumstances.  I think taking away those lofty expectations I have of myself has given me some mental freedom.  I hope that is something I keep long after the surgery.


  1. I'm glad you're winning that mental battle because that's where the real victory lies! sendin prayers your way, hang in there dartlin!

  2. Happy anniversary! You poor thing with your hip. Sometimes, we just have to go into survival mode. You can begin to work on things again after YOU are working. :)

  3. After surgery, when that pain is no more, life WILL get better. Sending Zen hugs and support and a Happy Anniversary wish.

  4. Sometimes accepting what life dishes out is all we can do. Move forward, watch as close as you can and get the surgery over with....and then oh my word, are we ever going to hear you roar as you soar!!!!! Watch out!!!!!!
