Total Weight Loss

Saturday, June 4, 2016


Yesterday, I got in 6661 steps.  I should have taken 10 more but I didn't.

Even though I exceeded the average just a bit, I still didn't actually go for a walk.  I moved a lot more at home and thought I'd try a sidewalk walk after supper to see if I'd made any progress there.  As we ate, 65MD asked if I wanted to go to Home Depot to pick up a few more flooring supplies.  (Will this job never end?)  I agreed.  I knew then, I'd get my steps in.

We took a stroll through the garden area to see if there was anything there we wanted for the yard.  We found calla lily bulbs half price so we grabbed them right up.  As we were walking along, 65MD got a step or two ahead of me as I had stopped to look at something.  I was wearing flip flops and I was taking some quick steps to catch back up to him when I caught my pinky toe on a wooden pallet.  I yelped.

Not only did 65MD stop to see what had happened, two other customers did.  It was like at a car accident when several people stop to see if everyone is OK.  I was highly embarrassed and tried to play it off as no big deal.  One of the men that stopped said he knew better.  He knew it hurt because he saw it happen.  He was coming towards us from a side aisle, so he had the best vantage point  I insisted that I did not need medical attention.  We paid for our purchases and went home.  And my.toe.hurt.

I soaked it as soon as we got home and I think that kept it from turning black & blue.  It still hurts.  I can walk but it is going to be much more of a challenge to get to my average each day, especially since my average after three days is just 5600.  I've got over 1100 steps just to get even and then keep up the pace.  I must do it.  I need clothes!


  1. Don't you hate an audience when you get hurt? Hope you feel up to walking.

  2. Ouch!!!! It's amazing how such a small body part can hurt so much. So sorry that happened to you, but especially in public. Sounds like my luck!!!
