Total Weight Loss

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The End is Near!!

I will run out of hCG this week.  After the last injection, I will need to continue to eat on plan for two more days.  Folks. let me just say this has been hard.  It seems to have gotten harder.  I never really got over the hunger, and then the scales were so fickle.  I could have endured the hunger better if I was getting 'rewarded' with a lower figure on the scales.

As hard as it has been, those last two days will be the worst.  Knowing that in mere hours, I can have a larger portions and not get hungry so quickly, makes it super hard.  I'll do it because I know those are the last two days I have to drop significant weight.  

I am not going to hit the number I wanted to do another round.  I struggled some with that when I realized it wasn't going to happen.  As I explored other eating options, I realized it was a good thing to take a break.  I was beginning to develop the good food vs bad food mentality again.  Even though I plan to keep sugar intake to a minimum, I will not be militant about it.  

My birthday is coming up and I know I will eat cake.  I will enjoy it as I celebrate another year with my family, who love me no matter what size my belly is!  

I decided the best way of eating that allows all food, even sugar, guilt free is intermittent fasting.  I'll start with that as soon as the hCG is gone.  I'm going to start with an 8 hour window for eating.  In that time, I'll focus mostly on whole, healthy foods.  I get beef locally from a rancher, and it is grass fed organic and my garden this year has provided enough vegetables to can/freeze.  I feel prepared for this to start at the end of the week.

Just to update from my last post about the clothes I ordered.  I went back and ordered my current size when I saw there were no returns since the clothes were personalized. And, they were all too small!!!  One top was so small, I could hardly get it on.  I am disappointed, but I am trying to use this as motivation to keep going.  They are really cute clothes!!

1 comment:

  1. I am currently working on trying to live a mindful and healthy life that allows sugar in moderation....but overall is healthy. I’m calling it living healthy!
