Total Weight Loss

Friday, July 31, 2015

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another!

I have a great life.  I really do.  I am thankful all the time for the flexibility my work from home schedule allows, in addition to a great family, a healthy mother, a supportive & loving  husband, the summer (I don't even mind the heat), my house and on and on the list can go.  Sometimes, however, my schedule gets flexed into utter chaos!  Not really, but it feels that way to this ordered, structured accountant!

I used to approach each day with a list of things to do.  Sometimes, I would make lists for not just today but for the next few days.  Having an idea of when things would get accomplished kept me from feeling overwhelmed by my responsibilities.  Going to bed at night with most, if not everything, checked off my list, gave me a sense of accomplishment.

I don't really do that anymore.  Life, or more accurately, my sense of control over my activities, has been slipping for some time.  My mother deciding to move was apparently the last straw.  Now, I just make long lists of things to do, with no idea of when they might get done.  It still quiets my mind to have it written down.  That way I don't have to burn a lot of mental energy remembering what I need to do.

Google calendar is great for this.  I make a list of tasks and check them off as they are completed.  The tasks that are not completed are easily moved to the next day and I start again the next day to see what I can do.

Blogging has been on my list since Monday.  I had a nice mental post all about 65MD's surprise party and what a blast we all had on Saturday.  My 2 1/2 year old niece could hardly contain herself when it came time to blow out the candles on the cake.  That's not going to happen now.  Just know 65MD was very surprised and pleased.  (His birthday is in September!)

Instead of blogging, I have been meeting with builders, going to the bank, sorting through papers and we haven't even gotten to the hard part about all of the stuff in her house.  In the midst of this, my mother's PCP decided to retire.

Even though, the timing of the announcement seemed rotten, we agreed this would be a good time for her to find a doctor in the new part of town.  After much research by my sister, the nurse, she found a doctor closer to my mother's current house than her previous one!!!  We all met him yesterday and all agreed he was fantastic and worth the extra drive once she moves.

The doctor is young.  He looks like he just graduated from medical school.  As we discussed our lives in general, he shared the ages of his children, and we learned he is older than he looks.  Still, he most likely won't retire on my mother.  We were at his office over three hours and all but about 15 minutes of that time, we were either with his nurse, him, or in the lab getting blood drawn. 

That hasn't left a lot of time for blogging. I miss it, and my blog buddies.  At the same time, I am forever grateful for my family.  I love them and being with them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, changes all around! Having a doctor you feel good about means a LOT. I'm glad you all found someone you can agree on. Oh, to be so thrilled over something as simple as blowing out candles again. :) How precious.
