I'm sure all my faithful readers have been worried sick about my absence. Well, let me allay those fears. I have been on a cruise ship in the Bahamas!!! Even though the house would not be empty, I didn't want to make the fact that I would be gone public.
So, the trip was fabulous and I gained 8.4 lbs. I knew going in that I would allow myself to eat whatever was served and expected a gain. I was thinking more like 6 pounds, since I do a lot more moving around on vacation. I need to rethink the whole vacation eating thing, but I won't be out of town again until the fall. I'll have plenty of time to consider it.
There is a lot of food on a ship. No matter the time or place food is always there. I decided that I would eat only breakfast, lunch & supper. No snacks. I held to that. I had two main problems. One, portion control was hard at lunch on the Lido deck. There were too many good choices. At dinner they bring you only the appropriate serving. Of course, you can ask for more, but I never wanted to.
The second problem was carbs. There were just too many. I tried to avoid the bad ones like french fries, but I ate bread at the evening meal. It was just too good to pass up. One night the entree' I wanted came with fries, so I asked for a baked potato. I got both. I didn't eat the fries, and not much of the potato because it was not steaming hot, like I like them. It was just hard to get away from the carbs.
But that leads me to a good thing. If something wasn't good, I didn't eat it. Aside from vegetables, I used to eat whatever was on my plate even if is wasn't the best. This time it was easy for me to pass up foods that weren't just what I wanted, probably because I knew something else was right around the corner!! Really, though, I do think that was progress.
John & I both agreed to try new foods this trip too. I'm not a very adventurous eater, so this was a big deal for me. One never know when the chef is going to try to slip in some mayo or tomatoes. Vigilance is required at all times to avoid accidentally eating something gross.
Twice the entree' I ordered for dinner had zucchini. I tasted it both times. I didn't like either time. I also tried apple curry soup. That was gross. I am not a fan of curry at all!! The two things together was not at all palatable for me.
I'm back home now, and I got some more zucchini at the store today. I'm going to give it one more shot. I'll report back when I do.
January 1, 2019: 187 Pounds... and a Plan
6 years ago
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