Total Weight Loss

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


April is Stress Awareness month.  Who knew?  Not me until recently.  In keeping with the theme of the month, I thought I'd share a bit about my own relationship with stress.

I think I was born anxious.  If not, I developed anxiety early in life.  I know stress and anxiety are not the same thing, but for me anxiety led to stress.  Even as a little girl, I wanted everything to be just so.  I wouldn't quite call it perfectionism, that came later.  But if things were just right in my little world, I became anxious and then stressed.  My coping mechanism at that time was to cry.

As I grew and matured, I learned it wasn't a good idea to go around crying all the time and learned to cry when I was alone.  That is probably when I learned about stress eating.  Being young, and active and having a kid metabolism, it didn't manifest itself until later in life.  Even then, I was able to exercise most of it away.

In college, I chose a high stress major and career - accounting!  Maybe being an accountant isn't as high stress as a brain surgeon, but people can get very stressed when they get bad news about money.  I loved making presentations to the board when times were good.  When they were bad, that was another story indeed, especially when there was a 'kill the messenger' type on the board.  Working for myself from home has alleviated much of that stress.  Still, with my personality type, I found stress in other areas of my life.  

In trying to lose weight and put an end to the emotional eating, I'm looking for other ways to ease stress.  Just a few that work for me are:
  • Taking a grown up time out - just walking away from the computer screen if it is work and doing something else for a few minutes.  Since I am at home, I can load/unload the dishwasher or something like that.  When I come back with fresh eyes and a fresh mind, I can sometimes see the solution that I could not before.
  • Taking a bath - this one is generally reserved for evenings although I could take a bath in the middle of the day.  I discovered this when my father died and I was an emotional wreck for months!  Sometimes, 65MD would gently suggest that I have a bath when it got so bad.
  • Scheduling free time - or more like time away from work to do something else like sew or read.  Right now, it is scheduling time to work on the bedroom project.
  • Going outside - this time of year is so refreshing to me. I love the rebirth that spring brings.  I love the more relaxed nature to summer, and I rarely get too hot.  (I don't do this so much in the winter time.)  Feeling the sun on my face for just a few minutes makes those worries melt away.  I just discovered a NY and NJ health insurance company called Oscar that rewards their members for going outside and just taking a walk with their Misfit program. Every members gets a fitness tracker and sets their own step goal. Whenever they meet their steps that day, they earn $1 and receive cash reward each month.  How cool is that?
Has anyone got anything they have discovered that works for them?  Leave a comment.  I'd love to know.


  1. Working out. When I work out regularly (meaning consistently) it keeps my anxiety down. When I start feeling anxious, that is my first though "am I exercising?" It's weird but it is totally a thing with me. Let's it all out, I guess.

    1. Working out is a great one. I used to enjoy it sometimes, not all the time! I would imagine the sweat being the stress rolling off of me. Sadly, working out to that point is not an option for a while longer. I see the surgeon tomorrow. I'll know more then.

  2. Wonderful that you're working with ways to de-stress. What do you like to sew?

    1. Right now, I'm making curtains, comforter & pillow shams for the new bedroom decor. I've made clothes, shopping bags, purses, etc. Do you sew?

  3. Getting outside is a major stress reliever for me. Or, sometimes, sending THE KIDS outside seems to take all the stress away. ;) I am also finding that taking time out to read even only 2 or 3 verses in Psalm, Proverbs, or Ecclesiastes can help by giving me something to "chew on" rather than food.

  4. Sadly, I stress eat too. Getting outside is very stress relieving for me. Early mornings in the summer and afternoons in the winter. I'm not much for hot or cold weather. Just right, is what I like. I also like yard work. Planting flowers and gardening, even though you wouldn't know it this year. But In general I like that. Sort of like sewing, I like to see the end product of my work.

  5. I eat fresh non-starchy vegetables, fresh low-sugar fruits and lean protein. My proteins are lean turkey breast, grilled chicken breast and fish. I also eat a slice of whole grain bread.

    I drink a lot of tea and water. I also take Omega-3 to make sure I have enough of so badly needed healthy fats. I totally eliminated foods that have empty calories and those that are filled with unhealthy fats, sugar and artificial ingredients.

    This way of eating helped me lose weight quickly. It also provided my body with the right amount of fuel, nutrients and minerals it needs. It gave my body the perfect jump-start. It provided rapid weight loss at the start, so I had the incentive to keep going.
