Total Weight Loss

Friday, August 2, 2013

Doctor Visit & Monthly Stats

I had an excellent visit with my doctor yesterday.  He pronounced me healthy and said he didn't need to see me again for a year.  He is actually trusting me to lose weight without checking up on me regularly.  That felt great to me.  We had a nice discussion about weight loss and the issues surrounding it.  We agreed that I know what to do.  All I need to do is actually do it.

He very much discouraged the 10 minute trainer by Tony Horton.  He really subscribes to the moderate way of thinking in both diet and exercise.  He encouraged daily walks of 30 minutes or more.  He went on to say I didn't have to do all 30 minutes at once.  This is quite doable for me. 

It is almost too easy.  Almost to the point where I feel like I can just do it any time.  I know better though.  I know that as simple as it sounds, I must make deliberate decisions about what to eat, how much to eat and how much to exercise.  

The hard part will be adjusting my expectations.  The moderate approach, I believe is the best for me at this time.  But the results are slow.  I need to keep that in mind as I make my choices.  If I can do this anytime because it is so simple.  I need to do it now.  Putting it off will only make it more difficult.

Slowly, slowly meal upon meal, day upon day, I will make the healthy choice.  Slowly, slowly week to week and month to month, I will see the results.

Now for the July stats.  My weight and measurements remained flat month over month.  I'm trying to make this a good thing since I really let go of any formal eating plan during the month.  I'm having a hard time with that concept because I did gain weight during the month.  I want to beat myself up for that.  I tell myself that I've wasted time and if I'd not spent all of this time relosing the weight, I'd be happily posting a loss rather than trying to put lipstick on a pig!

  I have a year before seeing my doctor again.  That is 52 weeks.  That is less than a pound a week.  It is the slow progress that wins.  The tortoise and the hare.  I'm learning to be the tortoise.  I will get to the finish line.  I can do this.


  1. good advice from the doc, you can/will/shall do this the RIGHT way!

  2. Keep eating clean, however you define it. Clean food keeps the mind able to function better and make the day in day out, meal in meal out decisions that you'll need.

    Onward and here's to success over the next 52 weeks

  3. It sounds very doable and moderate. The time will pass anyway... may as well be thinner and healthier at the end of it! :)

  4. Somehow I missed this post. See, your doctor is prescribing Leslie Sansone! LOL I really do still stand by my offer to mail you one of her DVDs to try out before going out to buy one. She has walks that are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 miles. You pick and choose. And you march, kick, add arms, do side steps, etc. It's like a gently amped up walk. Not being pushy, but I'm pushing you to give her a try. Ha!

    1. Staci,
      Are these the Walk Away the Pounds videos? If so, I know they're good because we used to do them at work on our lunch break.

    2. Yes, Lori. It used to be called Walk Away the Pounds. Then she apparently changed over to Walk at Home. :)
