Total Weight Loss

Friday, May 13, 2011

An Award

My new blog friend Dawn gave me an award today.  It is for being Honest and Real.  Click over there for her explanation.  I am supposed to pass it along to another blogger that is Honest and Real with their struggles in their blog.

This is a tough one because I feel like all of the blogs I read are honest and real and my friends.  (I hope that doesn't seem weird, I mean it in the best possible way!)

I think I'll pass the award to three people:

I had a hard time narrowing it down.  If I didn't mention your blog it doesn't mean I think you aren't honest and real.  I just didn't think I should give it to everyone I know!


  1. Good for you for passing it on! Feel free to save the award pic also - and pass that on too, if you'd like!

  2. Thank you so much! I just had a very long conversation today about blogging, with a fellow blogger. It has been such an amazing addition to my life and the best part is the community and people I have connected with through our blogs:) I'll post about this and pass it on sometime next week.

  3. :D Well, thank you, Lori! This award came at a perfect time--it been a very rough couple of days here.

    Even on a good day, this would be an award that would bless me. Being honest and real is something I value.

    Thanks, again.


  4. lolol that's ok sweetie, i agree you're honest and a real sweetheart! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  5. Where did the image suddenly appear from?! I was coming back to tell you I made one that you could post on here if you wanted:)
