AHHHH....March...isn't it wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, and fabulous! It isn't that I love March so much, but I hate February. I grow so weary of the grey dreary days that seem to just drag by. I know that there will be more of those days in March, but they seem much more transient. Spring is on the horizon. The little spring flowers are peeping up through the ground and there will be blossoms soon. Sometimes I think I might have a mild case of SAD. I just want to stay indoors and be alone. Hibernation seems like a very good idea to me.
But now the sun is shining. It is still a little cooler than I like, but 65MD says I'd be cold anywhere that wasn't the equator. Sunshine is refreshing to me, and re energizes me to move forward with my weight loss goals. I'm so close, so very close. There is no reason why I can't reach my goal. I will. I'm trying hard not to put a deadline on it as much as I want to. So, for the month of March my goal is to lose as much weight as possible. I'll find out on April 1 what that figure is.
As I consider what the month holds for me with relation to eating, I have two challenges. The first one is Saturday. It will be an all day board retreat with the management team and the board of directors of my employer. What could be more boring!?! It will be at a retreat center about an hour from where I live. That means, I'll have to be ready to leave my house on a Saturday morning at the time I normally get up during the week. That doesn't make me happy. Breakfast, lunch & snacks are provided. As I understand it now, I have no choice. It will just be there. Breakfast, I expect to be bagels, muffins and other assorted carbs. So, I'll get a piece of fruit to eat in the car or something along those lines. Lunch will likely be sandwiches, chips, etc. I can skip the chips no problem. I don't want to call too much attention to myself by doing too many odd things, but I can probably take the meat off my sandwich if the bread is just that carby white stuff. For snacks, I'm hoping for some fruit, but I expect cookies. I'll just have to skip them. There should be plenty of bottled water though, so I can tank up on that.
The second challenge of the month, isn't quite as big and certainly much more under my control. 65MD will be out of town, without me, for about three days in the middle of the month. Even though the man has never, ever, ever, not even once said anything to me about my weight or my food choices, I am a closet eater. When I am alone, I want to pile in the food while no one is around to know just how much I eat. I will have three days alone and believe me, I could do some damage in three days!! My plan now, is to have the house empty of anything that is not healthy and nourishing. I'm not very likely to go to the store just to get some treat. I am considering, however, allowing myself one indulgence while he's gone so that I don't feel deprived and binge later. It would be something technically on plan, but not the best choice, like a rib eye steak. They don't have any carbs!! I haven't fully decided if I'll do that or not. I still have a couple of weeks to make up my mind.
Other than those two minor obstacles, I plan to eat low carb plan for the month and use the stair stepper and Wii for workouts. I'm still working up to full capacity with the stair stepper, but I'll get there by the end of the month. I need to do the very best I can for March because in April we have the financial audit at work and then I'll be out of town recovering at the beach. I need to look hot in my bikini!
Here's to a Marvelous, Magnificent March!!
January 1, 2019: 187 Pounds... and a Plan
6 years ago
I'm looking forward to sunshine and warmer weather so I can get back to biking outside! I'm also a closet eater. Last year I worried the few times my husband left town and had to set up distractions for myself. Like running errands.