Total Weight Loss

Friday, September 10, 2010

Whew...What a Week!!

Today's weight was 177.6. I am thankful for it. I have had a crazy week and haven't exercised all week!! I have absolutely, positively got to get back on the elliptical tonight.

Tomorrow is my 11th wedding anniversary with J-boy. We have a special restaurant we go to every year. We are going to continue that tradition this year. One of my tasks today is to find the menu and make my healthy selection.

Looking ahead, I don't see any eating obstacles for the next few weeks, but my schedule is crazy for probably the rest of the year. I'll have to be extra diligent scheduling my exercise.  It takes both to get the best result.


  1. Look at that low number! Keep up the good work! Also happy anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary, Lori! Enjoy your day and enjoy every minute with J-boy!

    You've done really well this week. I can't say the same, but am working towards getting back on track. I'm finishing up a post that has been cathartic to say the least.

    It's rarely easy, is it?

  3. Great job this week! Happy Early Anniversary - celebrate and have a great time!
